Sailing Fun in the BVI April 2024


1-844-777-SAIL(7245) Explore the Exciting Sailing Lifestyle near Dallas in Grapevine, Tx! #sailing #sailboat #sail #dallas #grapevinetx #lakedallas #lakegrapevine #learntosail #howtosail #rentsail #sailingcaptain #boatrental #sailinggiftcertificates #sailingneardallas #saildallas

We offer:
    Certified Sailing Lessons
        Basic/Beginning Sailing
        Basic Cruising
        Bareboat Certification
        Coastal Navigation
        Advanced Cruising
        Celestial Navigation
    Sailboat Rentals
    Captained Charters
    Sailboat Consulting and Yacht Sales
    Performance Sailing
        Certified Performance Sailing
            Basic thru Advanced
        Introduction to Racing
        Beginner Racing
        Advanced Racing
Thanks for connecting with us!
We are located at Scott’s Landing Marina on Lake Grapevine, just minutes from most north DFW Metroplex locations.
Our sailing courses and adventures range from Basic Keelboat Sailing to Bareboat Certification to Advanced & Offshore sailing. Our Basic Learn-to-Sail courses are taught at Scott’s Landing. We conduct Bareboat and advanced courses in other exciting locations such as Florida & the Florida Keys, New England, the Pacific Northwest, and Canada.


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